Under the Spell of the Gauge Principle (Advanced Series in Mathematical Physics, Vol 19)Gerard. T Hooft,Категория: Математика, Прикладная математика
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Japanese Contract and Anti-Trust Law: A Sociological and Comparative StudyVisser t'HooftКатегория: Образование
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The ways of the water: A Recontruction of Huastecan Nahua Society through its Oral TraditionAnuschka Van 't HooftКатегория: Экономика
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Questioning Cosmopolitanism (Studies in Global Justice, 6)Stan van Hooft, Wim VandekerckhoveКатегория: Образование
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The ways of the water: A Recontruction of Huastecan Nahua Society through its Oral TraditionAnuschka Van 't HooftКатегория: Экономика
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Electrocardiographic assessment of repolarization heterogeneityBart Hooft van Huysduynen
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Life, Death, and Subjectivity: Moral Sources in BioethicsStan van HooftКатегория: science_books, philosophy
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