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Eclipse Phase
Rob Boyle
John Snead
Brian Cross
Jack Graham
Lars Blumenstein
39.13 Mb
Grimoire of Grimoires (Mage: the Awakening)
Joseph Carriker
Jackie Cassada
Matthew McFarland
Stephen DiPesa
John Newman
Malcolm Sheppard
John Snead
31.78 Mb
The Equinox Road (Changeling: the Lost)
Matthew McFarland
John Newman
Alex Scokel
Malcolm Sheppard
John Snead
Chuck Wendig
28.05 Mb
Lords of Summer (Changeling: the Lost)
Stephen DiPesa
Jess Hartley
Malcolm Sheppard
John Snead
Charles Wendig
29.22 Mb
Astral Realms (Mage: the Awakening)
Alexander Freed
Peter Schaefer
Malcolm Sheppard
John Snead
35.33 Mb
Winter Masques (Changeling: the Lost)
Dawn Elliiott
Ethan Skemp
John Snead
Chuck Wendig
61.14 Mb
Rites of Spring (Changeling: The Lost)
Jess Hartley
John Snead
Travis Stout
Chuck Wendig
23.15 Mb
Silver Ladder (Mage: the Awakening)
Stephen DiPesa
Jess Hartley
John Newman
Alex Scokel
Malcolm Sheppard
Ethan Skemp
John Snead
18.43 Mb
The Mysterium (Mage: the Awakening)
Michael Goodwin
Jess Hartley
Peter Schaefer
Malcolm Sheppard
John Snead
16.18 Mb
Seers of the Throne (Mage: the Awakening)
David Brookshaw
Stephen DiPesa
Alex Scokel
Malcolm Sheppard
Geoff Skellams
John Snead
17.64 Mb
Exalted Scroll of the Fallen Races
Michael Kessler
Dustin Shampel
John Snead
Christina Stiles
Scott Taylor
Andrew Watt
17.22 Mb
The Compass of Celestial Directions, Vol.2: The Wyld (Exalted RPG)
Genevieve Cogman
Peter Schaefer
John Snead
14.94 Mb
The Spirit Ways (Mage: The Ascension)
Rachel Barth
Scott Cohen
John Snead
Eric P. Taylor
23.31 Mb
Threats of the Galaxy (Star Wars Roleplaying Game)
Rodney Thompson
Eric Cagle
Gary Astleford
Robert J. Schwalb
John Snead
Patrick Stutzman
81.27 Mb
Magic Item Compendium (Dungeons & Dragons d20 3.5 Fantasy Roleplaying)
Andy Collins
Mike Mearls
Stephen Schubert
Eytan Bernstein
Frank Brunner
John Snead
Owen K. C.
99.68 Mb
Stellar Frontier (Upeo Deep Space) (Trinity)
John Snead
John Snead
Andrew Bates
Greg Stolze
39.25 Mb
Manacle and Coin (Exalted RPG)
John Snead
27.86 Mb
Faeries, Revised Edition (Ars Magica Fantasy Roleplaying)
John Snead
Sarah Link
8.48 Mb
Mistborn Adventure Game
Brandon Sanderson
Alex Flagg
Patrick Kapera
John Snead
33.92 Mb
Changeling: the Lost
Justin Achilli
Joseph Carriker
Jess Hartley
Wood Ingham
Matthew McFarland
Peter Schaefer
John Snead
Travis Stout
Chuck Wendig
Peter Woodworth
240.74 Mb
Intruders: Encounters With the Abyss (Mage: the Awakening)
Bill Bridges
Jackie Cassada
Rick Chillot
Stephen Michael DiPesa
Alexander Freed
Matthew McFarland
John Snead
Chuck Wendig
32.39 Mb
OP Tradition Book: Dreamspeakers Rev
Bruce Baugh
John Snead
19.51 Mb