
Forbidden American English

Forbidden American English

Forbidden American English КНИГИ, ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ,НАУКА и УЧЕБА Название: Forbidden American EnglishАвтор: Richard A. SpearsИздательство: Passport BooksДата публикации: 1992Язык: EnglishКоличество страниц: 243Формат: DJVUРазмер файла: 6 MbЧего не следует говорить по-английски - почти полторы тысячи слов и выражений. Intended to inform rather than offend or entertain, this unique dictionary of offensive and often inflammatory vocabulary will at once enlighten native speakers and protect nonnative speakers from using provocative language. This dictionary helps users learn the meanings of words and expressions prohibited from most contexts, while recommending that their use be avoided. This book is a serious and reliable reference for the most common forbidden expressions in American English. 85
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